Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It's so fun taking pictures! I love it! But that is only half of being a photographer. The other half is the editing process. I like the vintage, black and white, bleached out looks....and you can't always achieve that look straight out of the camera. {insert} The need to learn photoshop! Or another photo editing program! My girlfriend and I took a photoshop class awhile back and it was the best 90 bucks ever spent!! I learned alot and now I don't feel like such a doofus when I open up photoshop! It can be overwhleming, for sure! Some other great editing programs I have used are Picasa and Picnik. But now I am pretty much a photoshop gal...and let me tell feels good!

Here is a picture edited before my photoshop skills. Kinda dull.
 Now edited with my new knowledge! I recropped it too. I like it better! Funny how things change...hopefully for the better! I did a few color changes...sometimes I can't stop myself! It's a problem I have!

1 comment:

Amanda Bullard said...

Ok, you have got some mad skills chica! It is amazing all the different looks you can make with one photo.