Saturday, March 5, 2011

MIA...and DisNeyLand!!

So, I took a bit of a break from the photog scene. November and December pushed me over the edge a bit. I had some epiphany's and realizations during that time that were muy important, so I'm glad for that. Now I am back in the game!

We went to the happiest place on Earth this past week...and I realized something while there. It really is one of the happiest places. Well...until the kids start whining that they want this and that and I MuSt have this! And can we get a bout a churro...a turkey leg?? Oh wait, that was the husband asking for that! But it was so much fun! We had a blAsT!! Here's a handful of pics I took. Only 758 more to go through and weed out!!

1 comment:

wendy said...

i love that pic w/brigette, zee, and kristy!!!